Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Monkey that spoke about Peace! =)

IT was a bright Sunday afternoon, where the voice of Peace spoken through the voices of young thundering youth (kuanlee =)). The forum started out with, quite a low spirit, as the supporters of "PP" did not turn up. They were all having a feast on the famous Klang bak kut teh when their compatriot needed the utmost moral support before the forum. However, being the disciple of Ikeda sensei and being understanding as usual, i forgive them, as they turned up when the forum had already started 30 minutes in time (at least they turned up). As for me and my fellow speakers thundering the forum with great spirit and anxiousness, I was constantly distracted by the arrival of my fellow compatriot who were all late, as I was supposed to be serious and forceful during the forum, but they were all smiling at me that made me having difficulties conveying the forum in a serious manner "being serious + smiling = chaos ". DESPITE of the difficulties, kuanlee as the usual him held it with poise and composure throughout the forum. During the forum, my fellow compatriot "fats" / fatalie aka hippopotamus was showing off her "chinese hat, cute face" that was all in all making me lose concentration, as a matter of fact, it help me release my stress and be calm and "cool" in the event of the forum. The forum was quite a successful one as most of my compatriot understands what is going on in the forum. In addition to that, fellow block 2 compatriot, Shayne stood up with confidence (that made me hesitated) and shared his experience in 5.5 HSD day and share the thought of Itai Doshin as was translated magnificently by Nanny "Banyak badan, Satu otak". All in all, I am very proud of Block 2's support and attendance for the Peace Proposal. And here by conclude, with a summary of the peace proposal:

This year Peace Proposal by Dr. Daisaku Ikeda namely Humanizing Religion, Creating Peace, has taken emphasis on the most sensitive topic to date which is religion. It stresses on the slide towards fundamentalism ( a deep and totalistic commitment to belief and strict adherence to a set of basic principles) which is generally religion. This stresses on the mis-conception of people towards religion, where we are living for the religion. The peace proposal aim is to shift this mis-conception, to put religion to serve us and to keep our humanity, as to put humanism as the center stage of attention to serve us human. To shift all human mis-conception, working towards humanism, as it is what human beings should do, to serve human being itself.

In order to create this shift, we must engage ourselves in humanism. On the other hand, how do we engage? We must make use of our humanity to convey this message to work towards humanism, which is dialogue. As a true humanist, we must not lay back and sit tight in the midst of holding the slide towards fundamentalism, we must uphold combative humanism to oppose to anyone with evil thoughts in mis-used of principles to dis harmonize people.

Latter, the Peace Proposal stresses on these 3 main topics which is:
  • protecting the ecological integrity of the planet
  • upholding human dignity
  • creating the infrastructure of peace
Protecting the Ecological Integrity of the planet - we must all be on our feet now and take actions towards the ever degrading environment we are in now, where pollution is everywhere and Global Warming is fact. Global warming is the cause of many extreme whether events that are likely to happen more frequently which takes valuable human life. It is none other "you" to take up the responsibility to take positive action towards improving the environment because once mother nature is damage, there is no turning back.

Upholding Human Dignity - We must all be aware of our human rights first, where out basic needs must be taken cared of. Then we must all learn about Human Rights education which oriented towards human values. Values like cultural diversity, multilingualism in education, promoting peace and non-violence, sustainable development and life skills. It is an education system which teaches us to respect human dignity allowing the realization of peace and social cohesion.

Creating the Infrastructure of Peace - To create the infrastructure of peace, many treaties, agreements have to be signed in order to create order in the world. (**To know the many treaties and agreements please read the Peace Proposal on the topic Creating Infrastructure of Peace). As a conclusion, the young people hold the key to the future. Soka Gakkai's second president Josei Toda declared "The new century will be created by the power and passion of youth"

** To understand further I urge everyone to read the Peace Proposal as this is too simplified! hehe!!

Anyway PEACE out People!!


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