2010和平倡言《迈向新的价值创造时代》,[6月30日,7.30pm] 在雪州文化会馆!为了世界,为了人道,请大家一定要出席!
2010 Sharing on 2010 Peace Proposal《Toward a New Era of Value Creation》,[June 30th, 7.30pm in Klang]! "Rather than stand to one side and ponder how the future might develop, we must focus on what each of us can do at this critical moment, the role each of us can choose to play in changing the direction of history." -President Ikeda, 2010 Peace Proposal.
Date : June 30th
Venue : SGMS
: Chinese - IPA
: English - Lecture Room 2 & 3
Time : 7.30pm-10pm
Address : Lot 23686, Jalan Selampit 29, Taman Klang Jaya,
41200 Klang, Selangor.
Do try to attend and be enlightened!